Гудамжаны гайхалтай маркетингийн ажил

2015 оны 4 сарын 13

Алдартай брендүүдийн цаг үеэ олсон маркетингийн сурталчилгааны ажиллагаануудыг танилцуулж байна. Тус сурталчилгааг "Гудамжаны зурган маркетинг" гэж нэрлэдэг байна.

 McDonald's version of pedestrian crossing

 Ikea's Bus stop makeover

the axe effect

Make sure you're not sitting on this Kit Kat bench when its hot, the chocolate will melt all over your clothes

 Coca Cola, bigger than life

Want to try on one of IWC Schaffhausen's luxury watches? Catch an airport shuttle!

A truck size Mars to fight the world hunger...

Promoting the Simpsons movie by making Homer's fantasy of devouring infinite donuts a reality

 It's a bird? it's a plane? No, it's the new Superman movie!

Do you think these drivers are noticing this 'subtle' Adidas advertisement?

A Sprite shower on the beach... Free refills!


There is white, and then there is Ariel white!

Every kid dreams of having a never ending Hubba Bubba roll...

Turning the sewer into a steaming cup of coffee... I'm not sure that Folgers thought this one through...

What did I do yesterday evening at 10 pm? Watched Law and Order, and I have a solid alibi...

The Copenhagen Zoo's strange way to attract some attention to its inhabitants...

IBM is getting creative with some useful advertising


The Nike bench allows no rest, inspiring you to run again!


The Economist: Inspiring new ideas

Imodium illustrates when it's costumers' need it the most


This is how Durex is promoting its XXL condom


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