Энэтхэгийн Засгийн газрын 2020-2021 оны тэтгэлэгт хөтөлбөр зарлагдлаа
Монгод Улсад суугаа Бүгд Найрамдах Энэтхэг Улсын Элчин Сайдын Яам нь Монгол Улсын Засгийн Газрын Боловсрол, Соёл, Шинжлэх Ухаан, Спортын Яам, Энэтхэг Улсын Засгийн Газрын Соёлын Харилцааны Зөвлөл 2020-2021 оны хичээлийн жилийн Энэтхэгийн нэр хүндтэй их дээд сургуулиудад суралцах Монгол оюутнуудад зориулж тэтгэлэг зарлаж байгааг мэдэгдэх завшаан тохиов.
Монгол Улсад нийт 60 орон тоог баталсан байна. Үүнд: бакалавр, магистр, доктор, докторын дараах судалгааны тэтгэлгүүд багтана. Соёлын Харилцааны Зөвлөлийн тэтгэлэг олгох журам зааврыг хавсралтаар хүргүүлж байна.
Монголын Улсын бүх сургууль, коллеж, их, дээд сургуулиудад санал болгож тэтгэлэгт хөтөлбөрийг нээлттэй зарлаж байна. Бүртгэл дуусах хугацаа 2 дугаар сарын 15.
Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл болон бүртгэлийг дараах линкээр орж харна уу. http://a2ascholarships.iccr.gov.in/
Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR) announces Scholarship Scheme 2012-21 for Mongolian Nationals
The Indian Council for Culture Relations (ICCR), Government of India has announced scholarship for Mongolian students for the academic year 2020-21 to pursue studies in General Language, Science and Humanities subjects. Engineering, Architecture, Fine Arts, Performing Arts (dance, music) etc for bachelor’s /master’s/doctoral/post doctoral degree in India. The ICCR does not offer scholarship in Medical/Paramedical and fashion courses.
Interested candidates who attain 18 to 30 years /45 years for PhD candidate/ with good academic records, background in relevant subjects and proficient knowledge of English may apply online by logging in at ICCR portal – ttp://a2ascholarships.iccr.gov.in/h. Other details including FAQ’s, instructions, guidelines, university list, courses offered etc can also be seen at the ICCR portal.
The scholarships include enrolment and course fees, besides a fixed amount of living expenses. The scholarships are granted for the full duration of the course.
Please note the following:
1. Applications should be submitted latest by 10 February 2019 through the online application mechanism.
2. Applications should be completed in every detail. Read the guidelines on the portal.
3. Short-listed candidates will have to appear for an English Proficiency Exam conducted at the Embassy of India, Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) on third week of February 2020. (Tentatively).
4. Applicants should clearly mention the course to which they are seeking admission while mentioning choices.
5. Applicants are advised to go through the course offered by the Universities carefully before finally submitting the application form. List of Universities where ICCR students are currently studying which is available at ICCR Website www.iccr.gov.in
6. ICCR does not award scholarship for MMBS/BDS courses and Casual Research/Diplomas/Short-term courses.
7. Applicant must produce a medical fitness certificate from the recognized hospital in the prescribed format available with the online application form.
8. Students applying for M.Phil/Doctoral/Post-Doctoral courses should submit a synopsis along with the application.
9. Students wishing to pursue performing arts should upload Video/Audio/YouTube link
10. An applicant should have studied mathematics, physics and chemistry at Higher Secondary level to be eligible for admission to science/engineering courses
11. Submission of application form does not guarantee confirmed admission.
12. Indian Universities/ Educational institutions are autonomous and independent bodies and have their own eligibility criteria on the basis of which they confirm admissions.
ICCR Scholarship Application Portal http://a2ascholarships.iccr.gov.in/
For any further queries, interested students should contact the Reception, Embassy of India, Ulaanbaatar over email at cons.ulaan@mea.gov.in & reception.ulaan@mea.gov.in
Phone Nos. 329522,329524, 70132248/49